3% Credit Card
Processing fee applies.
*0% when using Debit Cards

Qualified customers
can save $1000
up to $3500 on a new stove!

2018 Smoke Reduction Program

"We are proud to offer our services to help with a great program offered by the state, The Smoke Reduction Program. It is established to provide financial aid in changing out your older, non-EPA approved wood burning stoves/fireplaces, to something that abides by current EPA standards and emissions. This will benefit you by reducing your carbon footprint on a global scale, and improving our local air quality, all while providing you with a great source of heat for your family during the colder months." -Rainbow Hearth & Home
The links provided will direct your web browser to Shasta County's website for detailed information regarding this program.
"The Woodsmoke Reduction Program (Program) is part of California Climate Investments, a statewide program that puts cap-and-trade dollars to work. The Program is designed to help households replace a non-EPA certified wood stove or insert used as a primary source of heat with a cleaner burning and more efficient device. Open hearth fireplaces may be eligible for the Program if the fireplace is used as a primary source of heat. This Program will offer Vouchers towards the purchase and installation of a new EPA-certified woodstove, fireplace wood insert, gas (natural gas or propane), or electric device.
Devices located within disadvantaged communities or low-income communities as defined on this map qualify for the Enhanced Incentive Voucher (up to $3,500). Low-income households outside of these areas also qualify for the Enhanced Incentive Voucher. To qualify as low-income, the household must show proof of enrollment in a low-income assistance program (WIC, LIHEAP, CARE) or have a household income at or below 80 percent of the statewide median household income (currently at $51,026). Remaining residents outside the map areas are eligible for the Standard Voucher of $1,000.
Once you receive a voucher, you must make a commitment to purchase a new device from a Participating Retailer within 4 weeks. The new device must be installed by a licensed contractor and meet local fire and building codes; do-it-yourself installations are not allowed under this program." -Shasta County Air Quality Management District
List of US EPA Certified Wood Devices
- Check if your woodstove or insert is EPA certified
For addresses in Shasta County only, submit your Application and a photo of the existing device by mail, email, or hand deliver to:
Shasta County Air Quality Management District
1855 Placer St, Suite 101
Redding, CA 96001