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Its Your Hearth! Its Your Fire!
Its Your Choice!

-Our MissioN-
To help you look for "your" cost effective alternative heat or cooling source, fire feature or hearth warming presence that fits your needs and budget.
It is not as easy as it once was. The days of the homemade wood stove are long gone. Finding the right "Hearth Appliance" is now more important than ever.
Free Standing Wood Stoves and Fireplace Inserts, Freestanding Pellet Stoves and Fireplace Inserts, Freestanding Gas Stoves and Fireplace Inserts, EPA Certified, NSPS 2020, sold fuel burning zero clearance Fireplace's, Fuel Oil & Kerosene Stoves, Ductless Heat Pumps are all choices that we have as consumers when it comes to comfort.
Understanding our industries "Key Words & Terms" is a must!
NSPS 2020 EPA Certified
BTU Input
BTU Output
Direct Vent
Class "A" 2100HT Chimney - A very important topic!
Steady State Efficiency
AFUE Efficiency
Overall Efficiency
P4 Efficiency
These are just a few terms that the educated consumer must have an understanding of before the quest for that right "Hearth or Zone Comfort Appliance". We are here to help you navigate all you need to know!
Rainbow Hearth & Home can help. Our sales, service and installation specialists are second to none! If you’re looking for WOOD, PELLET or GAS burning appliances, be it freestanding, fireplace insert or zero clearance fireplace you need not look any further because its all under ONE ROOF!
And now Panasonic Mini Splits too!
-Sales, Service & Installation-
Rainbow Hearth & Home truly offers the one stop shop for sales, service and installation. Please browse our large selection of the newest and most efficient Hearth Products & Mini Splits available today.

Please contact us with any questions you may have.